Senior Design (EDD)
The Capstone Course for the Lathrop Engineering Program
This new version of is still being built and redesigned.
Thank you for your patience as it comes together!
Let Mr. Benshoof know if something you need is missing.
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Game Design
Our first unit of the year gives you the time to design, troubleshoot, and build your own fancy version of your favorite board game.

Unit 2: Arctic Innovation
Next, we’ll use our engineering skills to create a novel idea to a real-world problem. We’ll submit those ideas to UAF’s AIC!

Unit 3: Materials & Machines
Good engineers know their materials and machines, and here you get to learn about and build a variety of machines.
Quarter 2

Unit 4: Exploration
Here you get to pick something in the lab that’s new to you and learn how to use it! Then, you’ll apply those skills in making something cool.

Unit 5: Water Purification
Lots of trial & error awaits in our fifth unit where you will design, test, and redesign water purification systems.

Unit 6: Individual Projects
The last unit of our semester gives you a chance to guide your own learning by designing your own project or seeking out a real certification!
Created by Lathrop Engineers 2024